Saturday, March 17, 2012

Farewell to Friends

Today we said farewell to a classmate from high school.  This makes the second death of someone I have known since grade school within the past year.  As I think about Steve and Linda (and all the other classmates who have passed), I remind myself that our time here on Planet Earth is short, very short.  We must make the most of each and every day.

Steve and Linda were wonderful people whom had a love for life and a love for family.  Even though I haven't seen either one since graduation, which was almost 30 years ago, I remember the good times we all shared as we made our way from grade school to high school graduation.   Because our last names were close, Steve was always not too far away.   Steve always kept me laughing through school, and he had a larger than life personality.  He never took life too seriously, and he was a great guy.  Linda was the same way.  Both lived their lives fully and  they both had a lot of love to go around.  They were the sunshine on a cloudy day.

So as I pray for all of our classmates who are no longer with us, I also pray for those that are still with us today.  I pray that they are safe, happy, and that they find blessings each and every day.

So Steve, I am certain that you will be welcomed with open arms into the Kingdom of Heaven by those that have preceeded you in death.  I know that Butch and Linda have already found you and have welcomed you.  And knowing Butch and Linda, they are already having a celebration for you.

And to the rest of still remaining here on Earth, may we remember what is important in life.  It is not the cars, the houses, or the fat bank account (although that might be nice) that is what is important.  What we need to be thankful for is our family and friends that help get us through the bad times and rejoice in the good times.  Family love is so important. 

So Steve, you will be missed, and remember to save a spot for each and every one of us when our time comes.  Life is so important and we must not take it for granted.  We never know when God will call us or our family members to His house.   Life is a gift and we must treat it at such.

May God bless your family through this difficult time.

1 comment:

  1. The Steve you describe is different from the person I knew in high school. my friends and I were not popular in high school and he went out of his way to torment us whenever he could. I am not happy to hear of his death, but it really brought up some unpleasant memories.
